Creative Director / Art Director


Once upon a time, flying was a truly magical experience. We brought back some of the sparkle by looking at planes through the eyes of a child – in this case a small child inside a digital billboard.


The posters were situated under the flight path to Heathrow in Piccadilly Circus and Chiswick in London and featured a small child who would react as British Airways planes flew overhead by standing and pointing. At the same time, text giving information on the specific flight and where it had come from appeared on the screens.


By a clever use of proprietary technology and a media buy which only displayed the ad when the planes flew by, the billboards turned the arrival of BA flights into an event for passers by. For those not present, a film of the work was posted online and watched by over a million people.



Cannes Lions Grand Prix

5 Gold, 1 Silver and two Bronze Cannes Lions

2 D&AD Pencils and 2 D&AD Nominations

2 Gold, 2 Silver and 1 Bronze One Show pencils

5 Creative Circle Golds

2 Grand Clios

1 Grand LIA  and 6 Gold LIAs

3 Gold DMAs